Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Response about extremist ideas

Tim you have done an excellent job distilling my argument:

  1. (some) Arabs, angered over Israel’s injustices, incorrectly associate all Jews and all Americans with support for these injustices, and as a result direct their hatred and violence towards these groups
  2. Horowitz makes the same incorrect association by assuming that all people who fail to condemn terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah are in league with the terrorists.
  3. Therefore, just as terrorist organizations are wrong to target all Jews and Americans, Horowitz is wrong to condemn all those who are unwilling condemn Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist.

Tim, although you have many great--albeit contentious--points none of them really attack the root of my argument.

First, you state that Harowitz' arguments are different because the root cause of Muslim extremism is theological--rather than political. First, I don't see how the motivation behind Muslim extremism has anything to do with how Harowitz systematically targets all who do not condemn H&H. Though I enjoyed your ancillary historical comment--it offers little insight into this argument.

Also--on this note--I do not believe the theological foundation behind this conflict is as important as generally assumed. There are a handful of violent Koran passages always paraded out to demonize all Muslims, but I've read enough of the Old T. to know cherry picking passages can go both ways.

Second, the irrationality of their motives is relevant only as it demonstrates how anger toward a policy an action can spiral toward anger toward a people group or a continent.

The other issue in your second response, if I understand your argument correctly, was; this woman is a terrorist sympathizer--There is no need for further argument. While it may be the end of the argument if we lived in a world where Tim's justice is perfect and swift, I believe this point is not the end of the argument, but the beginning. I will never agree that aiding or supporting terrorism is legitimate or should be considered lightly, but an unwillingness to condemn H&H is different than buying bomb material. This is the distinction that I believe Horowitz, and you, would be unwilling to admit--Though I will need more convincing to agree with you.

Fourth- how does Horowitz demonstrate anger towards the Middle East?--ok, He may toe the line, however it is not his actions--but his logic that I am attacking, and I do believe his logic engenders hatred toward Arab people.

Fifth- do you have an historical example of a ‘better relationship’ between a Muslim nation resulting in less violence?--Does this justify a race to the bottom?

To conclude, You concluded, 'I posted the video on YouTube because it demonstrates that even well-off Americans in higher education are not free from extremist philosophies'. This I would firmly agree with. Both Horowitz and this girl demonstrate how the extremist ideas--namely irrational hatred--are present in higher education.

Also--I enjoyed the article you posted and I will respond to it soon. I wanted to respond to this argument because I know my absence of a response will be interpreted as a victory from your end. Sorry my responses take so long--but it takes longer to respond when you don't rely on canned arguments ;) jk.

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